Native Garden Tour: So-Cal (2 of 2)

Here’s the rest of the flowers we saw…

I love this especially because it is a lupine, which is closest to the Texas blue bonnet that I’ve found here. Missin’ my blue bonnets…
Fuzzy on the creases – this one cracked me up
Heart-shaped cactus – I didn’t notice until I processed the photos!
Aren’t these amazing?! The color juxtaposition floors me…
This flower just about undid me. So leggy – so other-worldly – with leaves to match…
spiky green leaves
spiky green leaves
Bottle-brush bush in all its finery (not to be used to clean actual dirty dishes). 🙂
Another feathery bloom like the white one above…
Lacey…feathery…fluffy…flowery…loved these!!!
Part of a hanging basket with many more blooms heading up to the front door. They look like Christmas Cactus blooms to me…
Same house – hanging cactus in the background. I love the light/dark contrasts in this pic
I like the rocky backgrounds to these cactus flower shots.
Colors and shadows…IN LOVE!

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Looking forward to planting our new front/back yards with these native plants in mind.



Native Garden Tour: So-Cal (1 of 2)

This weekend the California Native Plant Society hosted an event in my neighborhood! I heard about it from the neighbors a few blocks over where I harvested the Torrey Pine needles I used recently for these mini-baskets. Their front and back yards were featured on the Native Plant tour this weekend (P.S. They’re also thrilled that someone wants all the pine needles they keep having to clean off their driveway. In fact, they had some “ready for me” that they must have picked up that morning to make things look tidy. They were happy to see me. 🙂 ).

So here’s some pictures (native and non-native plants are mixed in here – we viewed several hybrid gardens and I didn’t capture all the plant names). We got lots of great ideas and we ended the day in a small yard with chickens and a pair of Japanese quail (no actual pics – peaceful coop made out of a “Tuff Shed” – cute birds that I thought looked a little like hedgehogs, with those cream-colored feathers).

So Here’s Some Amazing So-Cal Flowers

A type of buckwheat (I like this one more than the many versions of white-flowering buckwheat bushes we saw).
This is a tall-blooming poinsettia I’ve only seen down here in So-Cal, and how far inland you are determines how long they bloom (like the Coral Trees). I especially love this shot because I took it blind on my tip-toes (this flower was above my head).
Native Iris – kind of unusual for such an arid climate
An acacia seed pod that nature opened for me. I turned it upside on my hand and shook out the seeds (usually these pods are sealed tight with four sides of really tough leathery leafy material that seems impossible to cut through). They make great rattles actually. (Amie – I’m already planning to go back and gather some for your nature-loving brood! Can’t believe I didn’t think of it in the moment…blaming it on the chickens and quail 🙂 )
I loved capturing the flowers as well as the buds behind them that held more promise…the plant progression was palpable. (the wind was also blowing – which made photography fun)
Cactus flowers are exquisite from start to finish. I love that these factor into xeriscaping. We have some lovely shares from neighbors in our garden already.
A type of sage – I love how the flowers are as fuzzy as the leaves.
There’s “Bottle-Brush” (trees) and “Fairy Duster” (bushes) versions of this flower. I think this this on the Fairy Duster end of the spectrum (growing close to the ground).

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I have another list of photos I’ll post in v.2. We saw a lot of flowers/plants and got a lot of inspiration. We’re ready for water barrels and native plants, with some planning.

Chard from the garden – so colorful!

I’m busy sewing up this corset. It’s amazing how many times I end up stitching each panel. I’m finishing seams tonight and hope to have something to try on soon.

In the meantime, here’s what I gathered from the garden for dinner tonight. Such inspiring colors!

the leaves are so big!
the leaves are so big! (see the cute mini-squash in the corner? they were good too)
I love the back view even more!
I love the back view even more!

Most of these leaves are bigger than my face (isn’t that cool when a plant produces such growth?! Chard is such a fiesta vegetable!) I took a few outliers to the neighbor’s chickens (2 new eggs today, both brown). Such a huge vibrant plant that cooks down so tiny so quick. 🙂

Back to netflix and hand-stitching…this corset WILL get done.